Tag: antiqua
We present you a list of fonts that most closely match the "antiqua" tag. We also recommend that you look at related tags: serif.
Metal Mania1 font
Metal1 font
Mirza4 fonts
Moul1 font
Moulpali1 font
Nova Flat1 font
Odor Mean Chey1 font
Preahvihear1 font
Poller One1 font
Purple Purse1 font
Revalia1 font
Risque1 font
Siemreap1 font
Simonetta4 fonts
Trochut3 fonts
Taprom1 font
Yeseva One1 font
Libre Caslon Text3 fonts
Libre Caslon Display1 font
Domine2 fonts
Cinzel3 fonts
DM Serif Text2 fonts
Alegreya10 fonts
Zilla Slab10 fonts
Quattrocento2 fonts
IBM Plex Serif14 fonts
Gentium Basic4 fonts
DM Serif Display2 fonts
Abhaya Libre5 fonts
Grenze18 fonts