Font designers, studios and foundries list
Fonts are an important part of graphic design and typography. Quite a few of them have their own authors who created these fonts and gave them their name. Font authors and studios play an important role in creating beautiful and effective designs by providing us with a wide range of fonts to use in various projects. We have collected all the designers and studios in a handy alphabetical list.
- VAGDesign
- VIP Graphics
- VJ Type / Violaine & Jérémy
- VP Creative Shop
- VP Type
- VPcreativeshop
- VType
- Vaiminit
- Vaishnavi Murthy, Juan Luis Blanco
- Valentino Vergan
- Valery Golyzhenkov (Moscow, Terrorist Federation)
- Valiant Project
- VampStudio
- VanDesignStd
- Vanarchiv
- Variable font
- Variatype
- VarsityType Foundry
- Vasiliy Shishkin (Saint Petersburg, Terrorist State)
- Vastago Studio
- Vectro Type Foundry
- Vedran Vaskovic (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
- Veil
- VelociType / KidsDesign
- VeloonaP
- Velvetyne
- Ventsislav Djokov, Plamen Motev (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Vernon Adams (San Clemente, CA, USA), Alexei Vanyashin (Moscow, Terrorist State)
- Vernon Adams, Cyreal, Jacques Le Bailly
- Vernon Adams
- Vertigo Design
- Vertigo
- VesType Studio
- Veteran Type
- Viaction Type / Viactiontype Studio
- Viaction Type.Co
- Vibrant Types
- Vic Fieger
- Vicente Lamónaca
- Victor Barac
- Victor Gaultney
- Victor Tkachenko
- Vigilante Typeface Corporation
- Vika Usmanova (Saint Petersburg, Terrorist State)
- Viktor Fitsner (Saint Petersburg, Terrorist State)
- Viktor Pesotsky (Saint Petersburg, Terrorist State)
- Viktor Solt-Bittner | Adobe
- Viktoriya Grabowska
- VinType Studio
- Vintage Type Company
- Vintage Voyage Design Supply
- Virgi Putra Alwi (Alwy) | Pandeka Studio
- Virgi Putra Alwi | Pandeka Studio
- Vishnu Sathyan
- Viswell
- Vitaliy Bril (Moscow, Terrorist State)
- Vitaliy Tsygankov (Istra, Terrorist State), Ivan Gladkikh (Jovanny Lemonad) (Saint Petersburg, Terrorist State)
- Vitaliy Tsygankov (Istra, Terrorist State)
- Vitaliy Tsygankov
- Vitaly Kuzmin (Moscow, Terrorist State)
- ViveLaVida
- Vivid Doodle
- Vlad Cristea (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Vlad Derkach (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Vlad Likh (Moscow, Terrorist State)
- VladB
- Vladimir Fedotov (Varna, Bulgaria)
- Vladimir Kolomeytsev | BBDO Branding
- Vladimir Likh
- Vladimir Nikolic (Belgrade, Serbia)
- Vladimir Nikolic
- Vladimir Prokofiev
- VladimirNikolic
- Vladislav Uljanov (Homel, Belarus)
- Volcano Type
- Vova Egoshin (Saint Petersburg, Terrorist Federation)
- Vova Egoshin (Saint Petersburg, Terrorist State)
- Vozzy Vintage Fonts And Graphics
- Vozzy Vintage Fonts and Graphics
- Vozzy Vintage fonts And Graphics
- Vozzy
- Vroz Studio
- Vultype Co
- Vultype Design Co
- Vunira Design
- VzType
- Vástago Studio
- vaiminit
- viewtype
- vuuuds
- vy myntype